- 公司行业:生物工程、制药、环保
- 公司性质:股份制企业
- 公司规模:500-1000人
- 公司地址:湖南-长沙国家生物医药园(浏阳319国道旁)
- 董办主任
- 董办副主任
- 董办秘书
- 电气专工
- 土建专工
- 安全专工
- 采购人员
- 司机
- 财务经理
- 财务专员
- 热控专工
- 仓库管理
- 计划统计
- 值长
- 垃圾吊班长
- 垃圾吊司机
- 锅炉主值
- 汽机主值
- 电气主值
- 化水值班员
- 机务主管
- 机务检修工
- 电仪主管
- 电仪检修员工
- 水工设计
- 建筑设计
- 总图设计
- 热动设计
- 京冀地区营销总监
- 江苏地区营销总监
- 浙江地区营销总监
- 广东地区营销总监
- 湖南地区营销总监
- 费用管理员
- 营销总监
- 质监师
- 会计
- 总包合同管理工程师
- 计划管理员
- 概预算员(安装)
- 概预算员(土建)
- 电气检修工
- 新余垃圾清运项目经理
- 安仁垃圾清运项目经理
- 技术员
- 调试经理
- 机务工程师
- 自控工程师
- 运营部副经理
- 营销副经理
- 安全员
- 运行员
- 电气工程师
- 锅炉副值
- 电气副值
- 热控检修
- 机务检修
- 电气检修
- 项目总工
Founded in 1998, Yonker Group has affiliated companies, such as Yonkers Environmental Protection Co., Ltd, Hunan Yonkers Water Co., Ltd, Hunan Yonkers Mechanical Manufacturing Co., Ltd, Hunan Yonkers Research Institute Co., Ltd, etc; it is dedicated in soil pollution treatment, air pollution control, wastewater treatment, solid waste disposal; dust extraction and afterheat power generation, synthesizing technology R&D, environmental consultation, equipment manufacturing, engineering design, engineering Project Contracting (EPC) and operation service to form an all-round chain of environmental protection industry. Yonker group is the one who is fully supported by Hunan provincial government to be larger and more competitive in environmental protection industry. Its subsidiary –Hunan Yonker Environment Protection Incorporated Company (300187.SZ), is one of the national energy-saving service companies firstly defined by NDRC, and the first trial company for contractual environmental service of our country, is the only listed company in environmental protection field in Hunan. And in 2013, it was selected as stock of Growth Enterprise Index.
Founded in 1998, Yonker Group has affiliated companies, such as Yonkers Environmental Protection Co., Ltd, Hunan Yonkers Water Co., Ltd, Hunan Yonkers Mechanical Manufacturing Co., Ltd, Hunan Yonkers Research Institute Co., Ltd, etc; it is dedicated in soil pollution treatment, air pollution control, wastewater treatment, solid waste disposal; dust extraction and afterheat power generation, synthesizing technology R&D, environmental consultation, equipment manufacturing, engineering design, engineering Project Contracting (EPC) and operation service to form an all-round chain of environmental protection industry. Yonker group is the one who is fully supported by Hunan provincial government to be larger and more competitive in environmental protection industry. Its subsidiary –Hunan Yonker Environment Protection Incorporated Company (300187.SZ), is one of the national energy-saving service companies firstly defined by NDRC, and the first trial company for contractual environmental service of our country, is the only listed company in environmental protection field in Hunan. And in 2013, it was selected as stock of Growth Enterprise Index.